Create and run a function in Python
#Return the post-tax earnings of an individual,
#assuming varying tax brackets depending on annual wage
def calcEarnings(hours, wage):
earnings = hours*wage
if earnings >= 2000:
#30% tax rate for weekly earnings above $2000
earnings = earnings*.70
#15% tax rate for weekly earnings below $2000
earnings = earnings*.85
return earnings
#return the raw earnings of an individual (assuming no varying rates for overtime)
def calcEarnings_pretax(hours, wage):
earnings = hours*wage
return earnings
def main():
hours = float(input('Enter hours worked for the week: '))
wage = float(input('Enter dollars paid per hour: '))
total = calcEarnings(hours, wage)
total_pre_tax = calcEarnings_pretax(hours, wage)
taxes = total_pre_tax - total
print('Pre-tax earnings for {hours} hours at ${wage:.2f} per hour are ${total_pre_tax:.2f}.'
print('Post-tax earnings for {hours} hours at ${wage:.2f} per hour are ${total:.2f}.'
print('You gave uncle sam ${taxes:.2f} this week!'
Enter hours worked for the week: 40 Enter dollars paid per hour: 55 Pre-tax earnings for 40.0 hours at $55.00 per hour are $2200.00. Post-tax earnings for 40.0 hours at $55.00 per hour are $1540.00. You gave uncle sam $660.00 this week!
You can run the above yourself if you copy/paste it into a notebook or text editor. Will ask you for two inputs (hours, wage) and calculate pre-tax earnings, post-tax earnings, and taxes paid.